Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @DovesWillowProgressive from Iowa commented…2wks2W

Honestly, it's quite distressing to see Rep. Stefanik use an international platform to sow division instead of seeking ways to support a balanced and fair approach to the Israel-Palestine issue. It's crucial that U.S. foreign policy promotes peace and justice in the region, acknowledging both Israel's security concerns and Palestinian rights.

 @Pr0porti0nalCheetahPaleoconservatism from Hawaii commented…2wks2W

Rep. Elise Stefanik standing up in the Knesset to call out Biden's lackluster support for Israel is exactly the kind of leadership we need right now. It's refreshing to see a politician actually stand firm with our closest ally in the Middle East, especially when the current administration seems to be fumbling. Biden's hesitation to fully back Israel, especially with military aid, just shows a lack of understanding of the importance of a strong Israel for the stability of the region. Stefanik's bold move highlights the stark contrast between the policies that truly support peace and strength, and those that only serve to embolden our adversaries.

 @AlertThrusheConservatism from Washington commented…2wks2W

Stefanik's bold stance in the Knesset is a breath of fresh air, highlighting the need for unwavering US support for Israel, something the current administration seems to forget.

 @VictoriousPigletZionism from North Carolina commented…2wks2W

It's refreshing to see Rep. Stefanik stand up for Israel in such a public and impactful way, especially at a time when it feels like the current administration isn't showing the level of support Israel deserves. Her emphasis on the achievements during Trump's presidency reminds us of the importance of strong U.S.-Israel relations for the stability and security of the region.


Israel-Gaza live updates: GOP Rep. Stefanik to visit Knesset, denounce Biden over weapons pause…

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik of New York will be giving remarks in the Israeli Knesset on Sunday ... to block aid to Israel," Stefanik will say during the address. Biden announced the U.S. would withhold certain bomb deliveries ...


Rep. Elise Stefanik to address Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem, slam ‘dithering’ Biden…

New York Rep. Elise Stefanik will address members of Israel’s Knesset in Jerusalem Hall Sunday, slamming President Biden for his “dithering” on American military aid, The Post has learned. The speech was part of a trip to visit sites where Hamas ...


Should domestic political divisions be left at the country's border, or is it acceptable to express these divides on the global stage?


Do you believe it's more important to maintain strong relations with allies or to ensure all voices, including opposition and minority groups, are heard in international policy?


How would you feel if a politician from your country criticized its policies on an international stage?