Try the political quiz

2 Replies

  @Aodhan.L  from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

In my view, the only realistic way to negotiate those differences is for it to 1. Be actually what the people want, be organized and quick on its feet, and 3. to revolve solely off of general consent of the public-- the basis of Social Contract theory. It needs to have a true democracy, small scale local level, where people can exercise their voice and plead their positions on whatever faces society. It should also work off a consensus and if a consensus cannot be had, nothing is done except for cases of major danger, whereby action must be taken. (ex. The ability to raise a defense or protec…  Read more

 @9KHHQN6from Maine answered…3mos3MO

You should try to tailor your individual passions with things that may help society however it is not needed that your passion aligns with societal needs