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11 Kids Shot At Kansas Chiefs Parade

 @JudiciaryRelishDemocrat from Texas commented…4mos4MO

11 children.

11 children who went to a parade to celebrate their Super Bowl team.

11 children now being treated for gunshot wounds

When are we going to collectively realize there’s a gun problem in our country and do something sensible for our kids?

 @Gr33nPartyCaroline from Ohio commented…4mos4MO

What’s your suggestion? Do away with the second amendment? Honest question. Dozens of laws were violated by the shooters. I’d suggest putting violent criminals behind bars & keeping them there. I’d wager a lot of money that the shooters in Kansas City had long rap sheets.

 @Gr33nPartyCaroline from Ohio commented…4mos4MO

So you want to seize every gun in every law abiding citizen’s hands? And amend the constitution to repeal the second amendment? Good luck. (Also, will the QBs you train eliminate all their armed security in the meantime? Guns are bad, after all).

 @L0bbyistEvaRepublicanfrom Maine agreed…4mos4MO

Kansas City has a crime problem like every city. But instead of talking about the elephant in the room let’s take guns away from law abiding Americans.

 @RatNickSocialist from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

Doing away with 2A doesn't mean getting rid of every gun. It means being able to enact common sense gun laws and enforcement mechanisms.

 @EuphoricGrizzlyForward from Minnesota commented…4mos4MO

You don’t even have to get rid of it lol. Just have to interpret it correctly, something they haven’t done for decades now.