Try the political quiz

245 Replies


How does acknowledging others' accomplishments contribute to building a positive community?

 @9JS9FTM from California answered…4mos4MO

Because it helps build peoples friendships and trust if someone acknowledged your accomplishment it would help build that trust that they accept you and know you are a hard working person.

 @9JS8F2Y from Colorado answered…4mos4MO

It contibutes to a good community because it helps everyone see each other as real people which creates peace and kindness.

 @9JS7XZC from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

only if they believe in it, I do not think it should affect an entire community if people do not support it or believe in it


What does 'forgiveness' mean to you, and can it coexist with seeking justice?

 @9KWN8MP from Virginia answered…3mos3MO

I believe forgiveness is the act of letting go of hate, jealousy, and acts of violence towards oneself. I believe that if people can truly be on equal terms and accept one another then it can coexist with justice.

 @9KVC39R from South Dakota answered…3mos3MO

 @9KVBP8Q from Missouri answered…3mos3MO


How do you find common ground with someone whose beliefs greatly differ from your own?

 @9KBHZGPIndependent from California answered…3mos3MO

I feel that we can find common ground when someone believes differently than me in a way that we can just agree that we both have our own opinions. If they cannot accept that then thats when I remove myself from the situation and never engage with them again

 @9KJJ9J6Progressive  from Connecticut disagreed…3mos3MO

It’s okay to agree to disagree on political issues. As long as you feel as though you are being respected in the conversation and that your opinion isn’t **** down than it’s okay to walk away politely disagreeing with someone else.

 @9KBL7PC from New York answered…3mos3MO


 @9KBJW6L from Texas answered…3mos3MO

understand the other peoples side and just listen to what theyhave to say


How has your approach to understanding people with different views been affected by your own beliefs or values?

 @9HGMVZV from California answered…6mos6MO


Have you ever been inspired by a particular person or idea that embodies both faith and humanist principles?

 @9HPKP99 from Kentucky answered…6mos6MO


In what ways can individuals contribute to a community's well-being while also fostering their own personal growth?

 @9J4GN9LIndependent from South Carolina answered…5mos5MO

Have the right to worship as long as they don't push it on other people.


When faced with injustice, what's more important to you: fairness or kindness?


I believe that justice, if the person cannot clarify the facts of which they are accused and asks for mercy, the bond can be granted as a last resort but not as a main action.

 @9HT2X3RRepublican from Iowa commented…5mos5MO


How could principles of respect for all encourage dialogue in a polarized society?

 @9J3X9MV from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

"respect for all" sounds like a cop out to defend Nazism.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

 @9J3XCVQ from Hawaii answered…5mos5MO

I think this topic could use a better label, however I do believe the heart of the movement is a great idea.


How might combining humanist values with your faith shape your actions toward others?

 @9HD69L3from Guam answered…6mos6MO

I believe in a Christian social liberal to social democratic welfare state that combines Christian social teaching regarding helping others to a generous state.


Why do you believe people are inclined to help others, and how significant is the impact of such actions in your community?

 @9J8HDKWWomen’s Equality from California answered…4mos4MO

I believe people are more inclined to help others because they are working towards going to a great beyond due to there believes and there believes require them to treat others with respect.kindness,loyalty.

 @9J8H838 from New York answered…4mos4MO


How do personal values shape your approach to learning and education?

 @9JPWSTN from Michigan answered…4mos4MO

Personal values can shape how you view learning and education which alters your experience. Some people can view it as less important.

 @9JPVZF9 from Michigan answered…4mos4MO

It’s not truly objective, and everyone has interpretations of their own and experiences of their own that can change ideas.


How can personal stories of perseverance and kindness inspire others to act selflessly within their own capabilities?

 @9LGJ4KQ from California answered…2mos2MO

I do not believe in anecdotes as a source of data, however, some people who follow virtuistic morality principles emulate those they perceive as moral icons so maybe it helps them act for the benefit of the group.

 @9LGHYZ3 from California answered…2mos2MO

They provide hope and faith in the good of humanity being a Good Samaritan


What could communities achieve if everyone practiced tolerance and respect for different viewpoints?

 @9LGSRZH from Florida answered…2mos2MO

Basic acceptance of each other's beliefs, ideas, and identities can propel us to be more kind, understanding, and empathetic to all groups of people and be more cooperative.

 @9LGSJGNPeace and Freedom from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

That would be almost impossible everyone is going to have different view points and people are bound to argue but if it somehow did occur that would be interesting... it would promote peace but also how would we ever come to solutions? Sometimes arguments and different ideas can be the answer because you will find the best solution.


What role does introspection play in your journey towards personal and spiritual development?

 @9JNY8ZQ from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO


Christian Humanism united the humanist quest for self-knowledge with the teachings of Jesus Christ.


How do you balance spiritual beliefs with the call to address and solve real-world problems?

 @9HPJV8W from California answered…6mos6MO


In an increasingly secular world, how relevant are religiously inspired philosophies like Christian Humanism?

 @9H7XPHMRepublican from Georgia answered…6mos6MO


How might your life change if you prioritized kindness as highly as achievement?


Imagine a society where every decision is made with human dignity in mind; what does it look like?


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